Quran School

About Us

We provide a full Quran School for Adults and Children for Quran reading and memorization. We currently have around to 100 students enrolled in 20 different groups taught by 3 teachers. Class sizes vary depending on the group level. Max size of 10 students for Quran memorization and 7 students for Arabic reading. As of 2020, we have 18 Hafiz graduates (15 children and 3 adults) with many more in various stages of their journey to become Hafiz Ul Quran.


Thank you for your interest in ICJC Quran School. We are currently accepting Quran school applications for kids. Please use the link below to register your child. Please contact Sheikh Dahee if you need more details about the Quran School program. He can be reached at dahee@icjc.org

Quran Learning Stages

ICJC Quran School offers Quran classes for children ages 5 to 18. Whether your objective for your children is to just learn how to recite the Quran, learn a few surahs, or to become a Hafiz, ICJC Quran School is the place for them.



Kids start with our Arabic reading curriculum. This stage takes anywhere between 12-24 months depending on your child’s ability, attendance, and parental support at home. There is no memorization during this stage.



Kids start reading Quran and memorizing short surahs in a group setting.



Your child is able to read and memorize on his own. The Sheikh only provides direction and corrects mistakes.



Exceptional students who have the ability to memorize one page per day and who have the time and dedication will be enrolled in our Hafiz program.

Quran School Rules

Parent Portal Login Instructions

Parent can login to portal by clicking below Login button

Login credentials' email is sent to the parent during registration process

If you don't see credentials email in in-box, please check spam folder

Ensure to save quran@icjc.org and muntazim in your address book

Click Login button

Update Payment Information

Login to Parent’s portal, by clicking below Login button

Go to Fee Management

Click Payment Info tab.

Click on Add New Payment Method.

Payment Information Screen will popup.