Our Resident Scholar

Imam Mohamed Herbert
Imam Mohamed was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland. At the age of 12, he completed his hifdh from the Islamic Society of Baltimore. After college he moved to Irving Texas to learn Arabic and continued his studies at the Qalam Seminary. He graduated from the seminary certificate program in 2014 and began his service as the Imam of the Mansfield Islamic Center. He then continued his studies full-time in the Alimiyyah program at Qalam while still serving as the Imam.
In 2019, he graduated from the Alimiyyah program and moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma where he served as the Youth Director and Imam for the community. He currently works as an Islamic studies instructor for Legacy International Online Highschool, where he teaches Tafseer, Fiqh, and seerah while also advising the school in curriculum development and overseeing the Islamic studies department. He also works very closely with Qalam institute as an instructor for Qalam travel and a handful of online courses.
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